Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Florida Jewel Thieves Sign Guestbook With Real Names After Robbing Art Gallery

19-year-old David Ziskoski, and 24-year-old Megan Ohara wandered into a Florida art gallery and stole a bracelet and ring, just for fun. The jewelry, totaling around $6,000, belonged to the gallery exhibition's owner.
The duo dipped out and were later found chillin' in grocery store Publix because why not, right? Thieves need groceries, too. The two were of course confronted, and Ohara handed over the stolen goods. Perhaps the smartest thing the pair did that day.

Here's the best part: The exhibition owner and artist noticed, when cops headed back to the gallery, that someone had scribbled a bunch of fake emails in the guestbook. One of them was so painfully named, "" Womp. Womp. The fun doesn't stop there, y'all. A pair of fake emails contained the name "Meg" and one of them also included Ohara's phone number right by it. Do you think these two were on the honor roll in high school?
The icing on the cake? Also on the page was a drawing of male genitalia and a woman's face labeled as "Meg". Now is that stupid or what??

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