Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Disgraced Rugby Player Goes on Drunken Rampage After Failing to Pick Up Women

A disgraced Australian rugby player was sprung from a Manhattan jail on Monday after drunkenly accosting two women on the Upper West Side and telling them, “Tonight is the night that you die!” authorities said.

Matthew Lodge, who was suspended by his Wests Tigers team over unrelated domestic-violence charges in August, allegedly raged at the women after trying unsuccessfully to pick them up at around 4:30 a.m. Friday, sources said.
The women, both from Germany, were identified by sources as Carolin Dekeyser and Claudia Isabel Martin. Dekeyser’s dad is outdoor-furniture tycoon Bobby Dekeyser, the boyfriend of actress Gina Gershon. Martin is a theater director. The women had rushed to the apartment building on West End Avenue where they were staying and pressed all the buzzers in the vestibule to summon help, sources said. Resident Joseph Cartright came out and let them in.

Lodge, 20, allegedly followed the women and got into a fight with Cartright, then barged into his apartment, locked the door and started trashing the place as Cartright’s wife and son hid in a bathroom, sources said.

When cops arrived, Lodge allegedly opened the door and hurled a wine bottle at them, then hid in a closet. He was found cowering there and arrested. Lodge was fired Sunday when his team found out about his arrest.
His father flew to New York to get him released on $20,000 cash bail, a source said

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